How to Be Your Own Manager

Experience tells us that we have to sell ourselves to companies and those who employ us. We have to dress properly, stand tall and say the right phrases during an interview, but more importantly, we must be our own managers before we can manage others. Tone at the top is an expression that states this clearly, it means, be a leader and those who you manage will follow, set the tone and others will follow what you do and how you lead.

Management is the process of unlearning certain behaviors that we, as people, usually carry with us due to our own background. It also means that we treat our employees fairly and give them space to develop as professionals, that we do not micromanage them. In many instances, managers feel the need to be loud, aggressive or demanding, but that does not make a good manager, this just makes a person who is loud, aggressive and demanding. A leader and manager, a business owner and a company officer must be willing to do what others will now, they must be willing to roll up their sleeves and multitask. The rule of thumb for managers is: “don’t ask your employers to do what you are not willing to do yourself.â€

Management is something that needs to be learned, education is important, and networking with other professionals in the same position and profession is necessary in order to understand how to communicate, how to behave and how to present an image and grow a brand without being pushy, but being clear without antagonizing others. Management does not mean that personality or certain views need to disappear from our mind, it simply means that we must understand that while being in a position of leadership, we must also accept our responsibility to show others that we have control of our own emotions and that we respect others. Education for managers is important because it creates an environment of respect and personal growth that can be transmitted to others within an organization, and that is how organizations grow. Being a manager is a synonym with being a mentor to employees and it is always important to recognize those individuals who are particularly dedicated to their work and who want to grow within our organization.

Leadership is nourished and developed through experience but also through education. Being a good person is not sufficient to be a good leader, the action of the daily work, the daily tasks and the daily responsibilities is an important part of the position as a leader and manager. While employees must be able to decide how to spend some of their time finishing a project that has a due date, they must also be held accountable for their own work, actions and behavior at work. The separation of work and personal time is important, but there is not always a clear line depending on the type of industry and job.

In instances when managers have overstepped boundaries, it is always important to validate others’ feelings and acknowledge their concerns while always keeping in mind the vision of the organization. Management is not always easy to grow into, but experience, education and hard work makes a good combination always in the process of becoming someone of value to your company and those involved in it