Opportunity Cost and Disposition

What we are willing to do for an employer depends on our disposition. There is a line between what makes us happy and what brings value to a company and how much of our experience, effort and dedication we are willing to give in return for a salary or recognition on a job. Sometimes, there are opportunities that we are unable to give up because of our personal situation or due to the experiences that we have lived through; however, we must put our willingness to do a certain job in the balance, what are we getting in return? Is it possible that we are working for a company that does not value us, or that simply cannot afford to pay us what we want and deserve? It is possible that sometimes, we are cutting our opportunities short of what we are capable of doing and we must consider opportunity cost, time with our families, time to take a vacation, time to explore our surroundings and the world that we live in.

When there is training involved in the profession that we choose, we must demand that our skills are taken into account and that we are remunerated for what we can offer. Skills are developed through experience but education is an important part of the equation. Not all jobs are alike and while we choose a profession, we must consider what it is providing us. If we are focused on a career and the path that leads to our goals is through a specific trade, it is important to find out how we can find the joy, the satisfaction but also the remuneration that we deserve. What we are willing to do for other people depends on our priorities and our disposition.

It is not enough to think that trying to do something good is sufficient to fulfill the needs of everyone, and thus, we must put ourselves first, what makes us happy, what brings benefits to our families and how much of a positive and good human impression and connection to others we are living on the planet with. Some of us do not have infinite choices and that is okay but we must think, in the long run, that we can attain our dreams, whether they are available right now to take or in the future. Never undermining our skills is impossible but we can try, that is how the economy grows and how we can make our lives and our families better.

We are not machines, we are not pieces of a puzzle, we are thinking professionals who can and will always have choices, the choice to be a slave to the system or to be satisfied, happy and at ease with the trade or profession that we have chosen.